The Latest Interview Trends

With the job market flooded with contenders, employers are becoming creative in picking the right person out of a sea of applicants. Interviews no longer consist of just sitting and firing off questions about experience and good qualities. Employers are using new...

Help Patients Understand HIPAA

In the last several years, HIPAA has become an acronym patients hear at every doctor’s office. They are asked to sign forms, give consents, and are handed copies of papers full of medical legalese that they will just throw away. While most sign and ask few...

Welcome to the Firm…

In July, Karen McKeithen Schaede, Attorney at Law welcomed a new attorney. Jonathan Keeler joined the firm from Raleigh, NC, and has been working hard ever since. Please join us in welcoming him to Greensboro and into the practice. An avid sports fan and outdoor...

The Importance of a Weapons Policy

In the wake of the recent workplace shootings at a sign company in Minnesota, employees everywhere are reminded that work may not be the safe haven that we often believe. OSHA requires that employees must have safe working conditions. If your employee handbook fails...

Politics in the Workplace

With the 2012 Presidential election drawing closer, politics is a hot topic. People are eager to share their opinions and ideas on both candidates, as well as a myriad of issues. While it is acceptable and expected in a lot of venues, the workplace is not usually one...